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Verified Partner since 2021
4.7rating on Capterra

Pay your remote team

Send payments in 28 currencies to 170+ countries
with low fees.

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Unlocking global growth for 2,000+ companies

Send money worldwide in seconds

Pay invoices, expenses, salaries or bonuses of your entire team in a single click. Benefit from our trusted payment provider network and make every payday a great day.

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International payments at low cost

Pay your team members in their local currency and say goodbye to high bank fees or volume-based prices. Always know the exact cost upfront and choose the best option.

Everything in one place

Synchronize payment data with your favorite accounting tools and give your team all the information they need to make the best decisions.

“Without Lano we would not have been able to be that quick in our international expansion.”

Alice Perraut

HR Business Partner

Case study


Hours saved per employee during onboarding


Countries where full-time employees are located

“After evaluating several alternatives that operate their own entities, we chose Lano for their local partner network and expertise with compliance and payments.”

Gargi Mahapatra

People & Culture Lead


Hours saved per new employee due to compliance and regulations


Countries where Hygraph employees are located & managed with Lano

“With Lano, we know exactly what our cost is going to be. I would say Lano has saved us potentially hundreds of thousands of Dollars.”

Bharat Siyani

VP of People


Less Admin Workload


Employees Hired via Lano


supported countries


local payments


available currencies


international payments

Unlock global growth

Streamline your global payment processes with our easy-to-use platform. Pay your team members in local currency wherever they are.

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International payments at low cost

Pay all your team members from a single
dashboard and track your transfers in real-time.

Learn more

Worldwide payments with competitive exchange rates

Bulk payments in multiple currencies with one click

28 currencies available to execute payments

Free local payments for 150+ countries

Common questions

Which currencies does Lano support?

What are local payments and are they really free with Lano?

What is the Lano Wallet?

In which countries is Lano available?

What other solutions does Lano offer?

More flexibility and freedom 
for businesses and teams

Employment cost calculator

Determine the cost of hiring remote employees around the globe.

Get professional advice and tips on hiring remote talent and scaling businesses globally. Join over 50 000 subscribers now.

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Lano can do for you?

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© Lano Software GmbH 2024